Oooh, goodie! Lookie lookie! I come back from the wedding I went to and there is all this wonderful fdk waiting for me. Yippee!

Hi Maria! Thanks for the fdk!!
Interesting! Where does he feel the heat?
Again, I repeat - this is the PG folder. Tee hee. wink I couldn't really go *there*.

Mrs. Mosley --

Clark, you demoted Lana from girlfriend to just a woman-who-isn't-Lois two days ago. You just haven't realized it yet.
That made me laugh - woman-who-isn't-Lois. Ha ha!

This is why we love Clark. We don't like that he is with Lana, but we do love that he always tries to do the right thing.
Yes, so true...

Looking forward to more when you return from your trip!
Good, I'm getting ready to post part 5 shortly!

ChaaBreh - thanks for the fdk - and yes, how true. The Lana from Tempus anyone dropped him faster than a hot potato when she saw the suit, didn't she? But in my story, she'll see him in a little different way when she see's him in the suit... and that's all I'm gonna say about that.

Ann --

First of all, though, thanks to everyone who posted FDK on this story! I love hearing what others thought about a particular story. That helps me seeing possibilities that are there in the story but that I didn't catch on my own.
I know what you mean. It always amazes me to see what people come up with. And then I end up thinkg - wow, look at some of the directions I could have gone, but didn't.

Yes, we all love the towel scene - have you actually *seen* that scene Ann? I know you haven't seen many of the actual eps... you don't know what you're missing...

This is just beautifully written, DJ. I'd like to repeat what I've said before, that to me there is a wonderful innocence about the kiss they are on the verge of sharing.
Thank you. I'm glad you enjoyed that scene. You know how good I am at the "lead up". blush

I really, really want to see where you are taking this, DJ, but don't hold your breath for quick and thorough feedback.
Okay, I'll try to be patient... really, I will... wink

I nevertheless loved, loved, loved your icon
Yes, Andreia! Oh, my, goodness, I forgot to tell you how much I always love all of your icons. They are so cute and funny, and that one was great! Thanks for those.

If he was able to talk with her at all, she'd already know about the powers.
You know, you may be on to something there... hee hee.

Simona --

I love this story! I'm very sorry that I have no time to give proper feedback, but I read every post!
Awww, thanks Simona!!! I'm just glad to know that you're reading.

Thank you all for your wonderful fdk. I'm off to post part 5 now!!!

Smile and the world smiles with you ... frown and you're just giving yourself wrinkles.