Nice chapter, Metro!

“Lois is there?” Mom asks.
I think Martha's motherly intuition is kicking in. smile

What *is* wrong with me? This is not your girlfriend, I tell myself. You don’t have the right to tell her who she can and can’t go out with. You would do better to keep your mind on your own girlfriend.
Clark, you demoted Lana from girlfriend to just a woman-who-isn't-Lois two days ago. You just haven't realized it yet.

Lois looks like she’s about to object, but surprisingly she doesn’t. “Yeah, Clark’s probably right, Jimmy. I’ll call you later tonight to go over some of those test results from S.T.A.R. Labs, okay?” she smiles at him super-sweetly.

“Uh, sure, okay,” Jimmy says with a funny tone in his voice. Is there something going on here that I’m missing?
Yes, there is something, but I haven't caught it either. But there definitely is something.

"I’m not exactly sure Lex could be that honest with me.”
"He stole more than my story from me that night, though. He stole the remainder of my innocence, and he stole some of my faith in people.”
These are two thoughts that I wouldn't expect from Lois at this stage. She usually isn't this insightful, or maybe she is but we rarely hear her say it. This is a nice change.

I haven’t been totally honest with her... When she finds out about Lana, she’d never trust me again.
Yep, so you need to drop Lana quick.

What did I allow to almost happen? I’ve taken this emotionally delicate woman into my hands and betrayed her trust, like others had done before me. I belong to someone else. I can’t allow this to continue any further.
This is why we love Clark. We don't like that he is with Lana, but we do love that he always tries to do the right thing.

Looking forward to more when you return from your trip!

lisa in the sky with diamonds