
I am enjoying the way you are developing this.

Now if he could just call an dump Lana.

That way I could sneak over there tonight and take a look at things myself first, without anyone around to hamper me from using my abilities.

Lois looks like she’s about to object, but surprisingly she doesn’t. “Yeah, Clark’s probably right, Jimmy. I’ll call you later tonight to go over some of those test results from S.T.A.R. Labs, okay?” she smiles at him super-sweetly.

“Uh, sure, okay,” Jimmy says with a funny tone in his voice. Is there something going on here that I’m missing?

Oh yes, I figure this would be a really good time for Lois to watch Clark float down from the sky.

Still no Superman, but Lois knows!!!

peep Lets see, Clark will have Mad Dog Lane and a very angry Lana Lang to deal with.

It would be so nice if Lana could dump Clark in the middle of his being yelled at by Mad Dog Lane.

There is a scene in a Brin SF novel where two females are settling the hero's relationships and he asks if he has any say and both shout NO! and turn back to their bickering.

Loving the story and I know you will work it out better than I can imagine.
