Thanks for the fdk everyone!!!

Now to address a couple of things...


Call and dump Lana? Wow! That's pretty cold! wink Of course she's pretty cold herself...

Catfight? Hee hee. That would have been funny, but nope, don't think that was in the script this go around...


BIG HOLE!!! Big, big, hole... Although they might not turn out exactly how you'd think...


Hi! Thanks for the compliments! Yeah, wouldn't that be a great story for a pulitzer... there are aliens living among us...

You all seem very interested in a catfight. I'm going to have to keep that in mind for a later story I can see...

Nancy - you are so funny! Hee hee! Thanks!

Spark -

Oooh, ouch, sorry about the sleep comment there, well I didn't say it after all... Clark did. laugh

I can smell the light flowery fragrance of soap on her. I feel some heat of my own starting, but not in my face.

Where?? Hee.Hee.
blush Uh, sorry, this is the PG folder....


“Yes?” she asks, hesitantly opening her eyes to look at me.

“There’s something I need to tell you.”

Oh wow! I love this part! A few paragraphs up I really thought he's going to kiss her but then you make Clark stop!
Thanks! Glad you liked that!

So you're going to make us wait? I don't know where exactly you're going but have fun and be safe!
Yeah, sorry, I have a wedding to go to out of state. My cousin's getting married. But I'll be back Sunday and part 5 will go up then. laugh

Andreia -

Clark, you idiot! Lana can't kill you. You're invulnerable. Duh! Don't be a chicken. Get rid of her!
Ha ha ha! dance

Smile and the world smiles with you ... frown and you're just giving yourself wrinkles.