Hi Terry,

I cried...I admit it.. I cried when I read your story.

It was so well written and so powerful, I felt what Clark was feeling.

To see everyone else's pain and know that he was the cause, to carry that knowledge was heart wrenching. mecry

And this:

The memory would never fade.

He glanced at the clock. Two-seventeen AM. Another night with little or no sleep.

She’d been gone almost a year. Three hundred-forty-six days without Lois.

Eight thousand, three hundred four hours without Lois.

Four hundred ninety-eight thousand, two hundred forty minutes without Lois.

He’d quit calculating the seconds. The effort was too much for him.
Ah, pure genius!!!!!

Thank you for sharing it and keep up the good work.


Clark: "Can I have a rat chief? Can I, huh? Please?"

Perry: "Clark, do you want me to send you to the dark room?"

Clark: "The dark room?"