Two words... TOGOM fics. That's why I've loved writing TOGOM fics so much: it's exploring Lois's reaction to Clark's death. And do you want to count the number of TOGOM fics out there?
If the Lois deathfics were like the TOGOM deathfics, so that Lois didn't actually die in those stories, you wouldn't hear a single word of complaint from me, Wendy.

But I'll say this. Even though I haven't read Terry's story and likely won't, kudos to Terry for being brave enough to make Lois die as a direct consequence of Clark's actions. Indeed, she died because he deliberately used his superpowers on her. And Lois agreed to let him do that to her because she wanted to help Clark. It certainly makes Clark's grief more interesting if Lois sacrificed her life for him, and he was the one who deliberately put her life in danger, deliberately exposed her to horrible danger, and then was unable to save her.
