In the MV She's, if I remember, it was Clark who was Lois's actual murderer. (don't know if that's the case in this story but am assuming so)
CCMalo - No, I think you are confusing "She's" with another Rachel vid - "Always". In "Always" Superman kills Lois at the very end. In "She's", it shows Clark dealing with Lois's death and how sad he is (but it never insinuates that he caused it.) Flashbacks are shown in black and white, graveside pics are shown in color and at the end their two hands are reaching for each other (from ep "Meet John Doe") - Lois's is in black and white and Clark's in color.

Sorry I just had to point this out because "She's" is one of my fav vids by Rachel. So sweet, so sad, so moving.

I also like "Always" but for different reasons. I like the beats and the bizarre idea that Lois would push Superman too far one day...

Terry - I have skimmed your story and it looks wonderful, the parts I've read. I have yet to sit down and read it in depth because I haven't been ready to cry yet... and I know I will.

-- DJ

Smile and the world smiles with you ... frown and you're just giving yourself wrinkles.