CC malo writes:
Is it to reflect on those real life stats with repsect to violence against women I mentioned above? Is it a desire to re-con Clark Kent's character and make him a villain rather than a hero? Is it a desire to get rid of Lois Lane and substitute a "Mary Sue" character? Is it a desire to trivialize Lois Lane as a character?

I know, in the past, some writers have argued that they wanted to explore the feelings of a character on the death of a loved one, but if that were all it was, then we'd see as many Clark death-fics as Lois death-fics. And we don't. I mean, just how often is it likely that Superman could escape K's lethal effects?

You raise some interesting questions. Now I don't believe in character death myself even though I adore dark angst fics (Why cut the suffering, when you could prolong it for both) But my personal preferences aside, I think the Lois death fic phenomenon comes from the reading of it as Clark's worst nightmare, his ultimate angst or something. I think the prevalent view of the characters seems to be that despite everything, it is Clark who is emotionally weaker.

I was reading some posts from long ago on death fic and someone mentioned that Lois had a greater chance of emerging from losing Clark than vice versa. So in that way it wouldn't be as interesting to read something like that, she'd just wake up and keep going. I personally think that's interesting in an out of itself (a note: doesn't Lynn have an excellent inc fic on a Lois that thinks she's lost Clark even though she hasn't?), but if the desire is to explore feelings of loss and one subscibes to these ideas then Clark would be the logical choice as target.

One loses so many laughs by not laughing at oneself - Sara Jeannette Duncan