I'll add in another example. Lois's grief over Clark's death in TGOM was much profound than was Clark's when he found out that the Lakes had killed Lois. So what are we to make of that?
Well, heh, just to throw my 2 cents in...

We didn't *see* Clark's grief. We saw Superman's. The writers never let us actually see Clark's grief. They only showed him to us as Superman. And Superman is a very public very visable person. He wouldn't be able to display his grief the way Clark could. He had to hide it somewhat.

I for one would have liked to see how *Clark* would have reacted, perhaps in private, at his apartment, or maybe talking to his parents.

So I kind of figure that's what I'm getting to see when I read story's like this one of Terry's.

But of course, opinions are like noses - everyone has one - and that's mine. laugh

Smile and the world smiles with you ... frown and you're just giving yourself wrinkles.