I really enjoyed "Man of Steel" a lot. It was easily better than the last three Superman movies that have been released, though it'll take me a few more viewings to decide where it rates among the first two Christopher Reeve movies.

I liked the way that they portrayed Krypton. While I enjoyed that "Lois and Clark" chose to focus primarily on Clark's human side and not his alien origins, I'm enough of a science fiction fan that seeing the alien world shown in the movie was fun for me. Plus, since modern technology finally allows filmmakers to do so much more than what could be done in some of the previous versions of Superman, it was nice to see all of the special effects that came with bringing Krypton alive.

Henry Cavill did a pretty good job as Clark Kent/Superman, and I had no big issues with the way his costume looked in the movie. The costume had been one of the things I was a little worried about before seeing the film, but I didn't even notice the alterations made to the costume that much as I watched the movie.

Amy Adams' performance as Lois was probably my favorite part of the movie. She was very believable as an intelligent investigative reporter, and I loved how she was able to figure out who Clark was so quickly. Actually, Lois knowing that Clark is Superman right away is one of the changes I've long thought should be made to the classic Superman story. It really does make more sense for her to be able to figure it out if you want to portray her as being very smart.

I liked Laurence Fishburne as Perry, too. We didn't really get to see a whole lot of him or the Daily Planet, but I understand that since Clark wasn't even a part of the Daily Planet staff until the end. Besides, I suspect that we'll see more of the newspaper in the sequel.

Jonathan Kent's death scene is one of the few scenes I didn't really care for that much. I really wish they'd at least shown some attempt from Clark to try to save his father. The one good thing about the scene, though, was that it did show that he was willing to die to protect his son's secret, which I do find somewhat admirable.

I watched the credits at the end of the movie because I wanted to check if Jenny was listed as Jenny Olsen, and she was simply credited as Jenny. Since they didn't actually commit to her being a female Jimmy Olsen, I hope that that means we might eventually see Jimmy in the sequel. After all, I always thought that the idea of turning Jimmy into Jenny was stupid considering the fact that if you wanted a female staff member besides Lois you could easily either use Cat Grant or create an entirely new character.

Zod was a really good villain to use since it led to a lot of good action scenes. One of the complaints I've seen made about "Superman Returns" was that they didn't utilize Superman's powers enough since he didn't have a strong enough opponent. That definitely wasn't the case for this movie.

Overall, "Man of Steel" was good movie. I look forward to the sequel.