Originally posted by Lynn S. M.:
A silly question...

Was I the only one who half expected to hear the name "Luke" after "I am your father"?

Didn't even occur to me. And I'm a SW fan.

You know, someone else mentioned this about Zod, but my memory is a bit hazy on the details, so if anyone could confirm/deny, that'd be great.

Did he, indeed, order Kal-El's ship shot down/destroyed (rather than captured in some sense) when he learned the codex was on it? If so, wouldn't that have destroyed the codex and doomed Krypton's future? And if it wouldn't destroy Krypton's future (enough people/expertise on the planet to re-create it/create a better one), then why did it matter if Kal-El's ship escaped? Or you think he thought the codex would survive?

I liked the idea, as was pointed out elsewhere, that even if not for Jor-El, Zod's coup still would have failed. It took the authorities very little time to completely put down the attempt. Though I suppose he could have bargained with the codex, had he gotten it instead of Jor-El.

Leads me into another thought: it was my impression that the council had, indeed, accepted that Krypton was going to be destroyed by time we open up with Jor-El talking to them - what do you think? Am I misremembering? They would know Jor-El took the codex from their security system, and they know there is a child, but Lara seems not to be in any trouble? Do you think it is not illegal to have a natural birth? Do you think they couldn't pin her as an accomplice? Or did they simply decide it wasn't worth prosecuting or that they didn't want to panic the population by telling them the codex was gone (this would mean they didn't tell them about the planet being doomed, either).

I'm just not sure what I think. From the way Jor-El was talking about having held hope in his hands, I almost get the impression he was going to tell them about Kal-El and ask them for the codex, ask them to back his plan. But I can't remember the scene that clearly and may completely change my mind whenever I get the dvd and am able to watch it over and over again for the small details.