Well, if the writers and producers of the television series 24 can spread the suspense of a twenty four hour period over months, so can Wendy! wink Months? Did I say that??

VERY unusual premise. I feel sorry for Clark since he keeps beating himself over the head wondering if it would have made a difference if he had flown Lois right to the hospital, but I'm sure it wouldn't have.

And now that some of the 24 hours have been used up by waiting for the ambulance and then waiting for Lois to regain consciousness long enough to tell the doctors what transpired, how much time does she still have left? And will part of that time be spent with Lois finally realizing that she has feelings for Clark (did you pinpoint a time frame for this, Wendy? I'm not sure what point thay're at in their relationship - just good friends or on the way to something more?) and deciding to act upon them, while Clark's entire focus will be to find out what was injected into Lois and how to find an antidote?? Decisions, decisions...

Looking forward to an interesting and enjoyable ride. smile1

The world is made up of three kinds of people: those who can count, and those who can't.