
Happy endings are so 5 minutes ago.

Note to self: Speak to Mel. wink

Edit: Ok, so after reading the thread I decided to edit...

I think Alt-Clark is definately capable of killing himself, as is anyone under the right (or wrong, if you want to see it that way) stressors.

It may be hard to imagine him doing so, but isn't that what everybody who knows a suicide victim says? That they never thought the person could or would kill themselves?

As mentioned earlier, Alt-Clark is definately not "our Clark".
He didn't have a stable home life growing up as "our Clark" did, he doesn't have a supportive family or friends like "our Clark" does, he doesn't have the luxury of being anonymous like "our Clark" does, and he doesn't have the promise of a better future.

Certainly, he's basically good, but without the supporting network "our Clark" has, I think it's extremely plausible that he might crack under pressure.
Without the hope of a better future and with nothing to live for, I think it's more than plausible, and I think it's pretty brave for an author to consider a difficult topic matter (< BTW, that counts as sucking up wink )

'I just kind of died for you;
You just kind of stared at me'
- Aurora, Foo Fighters