I don't know what HEA
I think it's happily ever after.

As for Alt-Clark being able to kill himself, I stand by what I said last night on IRC. This is *alt* Clark, not *our* Clark. He's had an unhappy life. His parens died right in front of him. Lana. Lois came, ruined his life, and then left him. He isn't necessarily the same Clark Kent as the Clark Kent we know and love. It's a nature vs. nurture thing here, and in this case, I would believe that nurture could win out. I think that is where i make my distinction. This Clark is completely different from the Clark on the show. We only got to meet Alt Clark twice, and didn't really get to know him all that well. I don't think i would have any problem with that premise. I also might not have had as much trouble as I did with a story like Butterfly Legacy if it had been alt Clark rather than our Clark for similar reasons.

Now, as to whether I would read teh story or not, I would have to say a resounding "absolutely not"! I don't like stories about death in any form. Not in movies not on TV not in stories. There is far too much death in the real world -- I don't need to spend my leisure time thinking about it! Give my happiness and sappy, waffy stories with lots of kissing any day!

- Laura

Laura "The Yellow Dart" U. (Alicia U. on the archive)

"A hero is an ordinary individual who finds the strength to persevere and endure in spite of overwhelming obstacles." -- Christopher Reeve