Actually, Yvonne's scenario would come under the heading of the 'greater good for others' and as such Clark/Superman would be willing to sacrifice his life to 'save' whomever might be hurt by 'bad guys' having his body for experimentation. Their might be a factor of desparation in it, but it would also have a noble component.

The real problem comes from our board conventions. Any serious wham, or death has little impact, or dramatic value, if it's known a head of time. But in deference to the probable majority of gentle readers who don't want to read deathfic, or unhappy endings, we have adopted a practice of putting warnings on those fics that might contain such subject matter.

I can totally understand someone not wanting to 'get into' a story then have his/her enjoyment trashed by having someone die, or worse. The unfortunate consequence is that without the 'will he or won't he' dynamic the story impact is blunted.

From what I understand, we have one of the most respectful, and congenial, fanfiction fandoms here. So, if that comes with some extra restrictions and responsiblilities to the gentle readers, then it does. As writers we have chosen to abide by those conventions in order to get the readership we desire. After all, it's all about the feedback... right?

Tank (who doesn't see any advantage to kill off altClark because there is still no Lois for him)