No! No! No! Nooooooooo!

He could not, would not.
Not with a rock,
either green or red.
Not with the sun,
flying too close overhead.
Not underwater,
super-lungs drowned.
No kryptonite bullets,
no K-razor blades,
None these things, Sara!
None, in no way!

CC- who totally and entirely agrees with the whole 'proper motivation explains any action' theory. Absolutely. And that death fics can be great fics. Word. And that this fandom has a stranglehold on HEA stories and WHAM warnings, thereby limiting creativity. True.

We have many writers, many readers, many different styles for many different preferences. All good. I think there's an audience for anything, as there should be.

BUT...(/lower lip wobbles) I'm BRing this story! And if poor AltClark is headed over a cliff... well... well... whinging whinging

edit: You know, it belatedly occurs to me- after pitching this fit- maybe this applies to *another* story, Sara?? In which case, yeah, ok. Kill him. I dare ya.

You mean we're supposed to have lives?

Oh crap!
