OH! OH! OH! OH! /me violently waves hand.
Hubby and I are avid Stargate fans. (Saw the movie, too and read the novels.) But we're in the states, so we don't count as European fans. I was ecstatic to see SG-1 on the cover of TV Guide! We also catch the other season reruns on Sci-Fi or UPN or Fox whenever they are on. There are some episodes we've missed in spite of all our efforts. It was originally on Showtime here and for some reason the tapes didn't always come out watchable. (We have cable, but everything comes through the satellite dish to the provider and sometimes it's botched up.)
We've pretty well caught up and are loving season 7. And there will be a season 8.
LabRat said:
I had actually thought that season six was the last one and was delighted to find that not only was there a season seven, but that Daniel was returning (we've yet to see this season here). So I'm really looking forward to seeing that and hope it proves more interesting than its predecessors. [[Smile]]
Don't worry, you'll love it. Season 5 and 6 got a little humdrum for us, too. Although there were some standout episodes even then.
Artemis - exiting humming the Stargate theme.

Rivka - You're watching season 5.

History is easy once you've lived it. - Duncan MacLeod
Writing history is easy once you've lived it. - Artemis