So I doubt officially getting them together is in the cards.
Oh, I think the majority of fans already know that they won't get together in an actual relationship until the end of the show, at least. If ever. The problems you cite, Roger, were why Jack had to hand his resignation to Hammond two seconds before grabbing Sam for that kiss in the time warp episode, after all. wink So the problems inherent in their career structure have always been at the forefront of the plots.

Still, closer can mean a variety of things and leave a lot of options open. We hope. <G>

I think you're right, Pam, in that this is a show that likes to pride itself on attention to detail, which is always a good thing. I do know that that was why Sam was given a haircut somewhere around...erm...well at some point anyway. <G> S5 maybe? The previous season it had been very stylish, but much longer, and they knew it would never get past military rules in RL, so they cut it. So they definitely do work at trying to get as many of the little details right, barring dramatic licence. Sometimes wish they didn't as I really liked that floppy cut and think the new one is much too severe. laugh Still...needs must, I guess.

LabRat smile (who is really starting to look forward to S7 now... <g>)

Athos: If you'd told us what you were doing, we might have been able to plan this properly.
Aramis: Yes, sorry.
Athos: No, no, by all means, let's keep things suicidal.

The Musketeers