James, there is a really simple answer to that. So simple, I'm surprised you aren't familiar with it.

Paul will now explain it to you...





How about this: If you are holding the clavicle of the person you are going backwards in time to fetch, and *then* you bring the living body of that person into the same room as their own future deceased clavicle... the world explodes in a rain of fire and other really bad stuff you don't want to be messing with.



CC- going back under the bed to wail 'No more time-travellll!!!'

Edit: Actually, I think I can work around that little plot hole I just. did. not. see.

KathyB had it right. I had all this lovely Madge introspection set to go, and we've been fretting over the world ending for close to 200 pages now, so it's about darn time it actually did.

Anyway, I have an idea. And thank you for the catch, James. You gave me the high school locker, so I didn't have the heart to stick more than a few pins in my James-replicant voo-doo doll this evening.

You mean we're supposed to have lives?

Oh crap!
