“Do not put it past Tempus to plant these there,” she declared, rising from her seat and waving a clavicle at him. “We have underestimated him in the past, and the price has been hellish!” she thundered. “ID them! Now! Take them right down and do not come back until you can tell me for sure these are his.”
Oh, good, Madge. Because I'm worried Tempus tried to fake his own death somehow.

“They’ll be born,” she whispered. “They will. We’re going home. Soon. Today. And the future will unfold as it’s meant to. It will, Clark.”
Great, great line. If I had even the slightest doubt about what Lois' felt about this whole crazy situation, that says it all right there for me.


Well, hell's bells, I'm an absolute wreck over the rest of this. Silas, hurry up and find Elise! Hindsight is 20/20, but you probably should have told someone like...when this all first started! Maybe everyone wouldn't be in the pickle they are now.

"Meg...who let you back in the house?" -Family Guy