I'm back because, while I was cleaning out the pond, I had a thought. (Well, you have to focus on something other than pond slime, believe me! goofy ). Anyway, it's about the bakery/deli thing. What if the reason the Peacekeepers run a bakery chain is this:

The world knows, through Family oral history, that Clark first emerges from seclusion after The Big Exposure because Lois makes him go and buy her a bagel. But history doesn't record where he went to get it - what matters is the fact that he got it, not the exact location. And so, when the Peacekeepers needed a cover for their real activities, they remembered the bagel story and chose a bakery business in honour of Clark Buying Lois The Bagel - after all, bagels are baked in bakeries, right? wink

(Not that this ever needs explaining in the story, of course. But, you see, this is what you have us doing, CC - coming up with all sorts of theories around absolute trivia in the universe you've created! eek )

Wendy smile (who hasn't a clue what she'll do when this story is over either... sad )

Just a fly-by! *waves*