Hmmm. Former tennis champion Björn Borg, one of the most famous Swedes ever, named his oldest son Robin. A popular (male) Swedish ice hockey player is also named Robin. I have had a few (male) students named Robin, but never a girl student named Robin.

I grew up with Batman and Robin. Batman's Robin is a boy, right? And then there is Robin Hood. He's a boy too, isn't he? I mean, Robin Hood and Maid Marion as two girls... that's not how I picture romance in the Sherwood forest! Hey, I'm all for gay marriage, but Robin Hood should not be gay! Particularly not a gay girl!

So I was absolutely floored some time back in the seventies or eighties when I was told that Robin is a girl's name in the United States, and you can't call a boy Robin in the States because that would be ridiculous! eek eek eek eek
