Congratulations! You're lucky with the morning sickness, that's a pain and a half. It could still strike at this stage, you're not really out of the woods with that until you hit your second trimester. Hopefully you'll be lucky and not get it, though.

I'd like to second the recommendation to ask Nan Smith questions. She's great at answering questions the best she can and will tell you if it's outside her knowledge and not try to fake it.

Let's see, pregnancy advice. Feel free to ignore anyone who starts telling you horror stories. Also, feel free to tell anyone who wants to touch your stomach, especially when you get bigger, to keep their hands to themselves! It's weird how some people seem to think that if you're pregnant, they can say and do whatever they want to.

And you probably won't be ready when your little one makes their appearance. I certainly wasn't and, from what I've heard, no one really is. Just do the best you can and it'll all work out smile


Rose: You're NOT keeping the horse!
Doctor Who: I let you keep Mickey, now lets go!
Doctor Who, The Girl in the Fireplace