Well, I'm a military brat and so when living in England and Germany I got ribbed a lot for having a boy's name (Robin). I have asked my parents if it was just too much trouble to give it a feminine spelling- Robyn or (better) Robynne. Sigh. Then where I work wanted to use employees' last name and first initials for e-mail addresses. Which soulds great until there is already a lastnamer so they have to go to first and second letters- lastnamero. I come along and get lastnamerob. I just got so disgusted, then, getting e-mails addressed, "Hello, Rob," that I complained. I mentioned gender discrimination or something. Probably overboard, but I just did not need to get called Rob everyday! They agreed to change it to lastnamerkn.

So, bad first names matched with odd last names. My mom went to school with a boy whose last name was Popp. He named his children Lolly and Soda. confused Of course, Lolly could change her last name when she married and Lolly Smith wouldn't really make anyone think twice. But Soda as stuck as Soda Popp unless he decided to legally change his name.

So to you 8 pregnant ladies, of whom I am both intensely jealous -tick, tick, tick goes my over 30 biological clock as my eggs begin to resemble out of date raisins- and intensely relieved that it is not me goofy

