mecry That's so sweet, Terry, thank you! smile

My edd is October 25, so it's:

EditorJax: June (and trying to ignore that she's first) (#1)
Lisa: June
Nancy: Summer
DJ: September (#1?)
Tara: October 25ish (#3)
Andreia: November (#1)

How many of us are first timers? This is #3 for me.

Oh, I almost forgot, one thing that a lot of women in my expecting club on iVillage swore by when I was pregnant with my daughter was something called seabands. I guess they use pressure points to relieve motion sickness or morning sickness. I could never find any, but I'm told they're easier to find, now. They have them on if you can't find them anywhere else. I don't know if you've tried them, DJ, but you might want to give them a shot. What can it hurt, right?


Rose: You're NOT keeping the horse!
Doctor Who: I let you keep Mickey, now lets go!
Doctor Who, The Girl in the Fireplace