She [Hilary] must have been very frustrated... to watch this guy come along, who dared to run for president
I zeroed in a similar feeling. If I were Hilary, I'd be frustrated to be out-campaigned by Obama in the primaries, just because she had more years of politics under her belt. I tend to keep an eye on her as one of (I'm sure many) female politicians in the boy's club, although I read this really funny quote in an article on FOXNews. They said something like, "We're not the wrinkly, old guy party anymore." They were specifically talking about the fresh GOP faces like Bobby Jindal, et. al, but I think it kind of applies to politics in general, and of course Obama is the prime example that people are looking for new leaders. My point in this discombobulated mess? Heh, I'm not sure I have one right now, but I'm just disappointed that Hilary didn't make it further in the election process. It would have been really cool to have a female primary winner from one of the parties.

A Hard Core Republican Who Thinks Hilary Is Kind of Fascinating.

"Meg...who let you back in the house?" -Family Guy