*cough* You forgot to mention another country that still has (until Saturday) a female Prime Minister.... New Zealand. :p
I love how the nations below the equator are always forgotten.... *sighs*...

To quote Wikipedia (which is normally not the best source, but true on this occasion):
"New Zealand is the only country in the world in which all the highest offices in the land have been occupied simultaneously by women: Queen Elizabeth II (Head of State), Governor-General Dame Silvia Cartwright, Prime Minister Helen Clark, Speaker of the House of Representatives Margaret Wilson and Chief Justice Dame Sian Elias were all in office between March 2005 and August 2006."

I think if Hilary is up for another go and Obama doesn't stuff things up during his term(s), then 2016 is the obvious choice for her to have a go.
I have to admit I'm waiting for the US to pass that law that allows Austrian Actors who govern California to run... because I can see it now...
Arnold VS Oprah!!! The ultimate battle... US Presidential Election 2016... wink

Seriously though... I don't know if and when the US will be ready for a woman... it's taken 50 years for colour to no longer be an issue. And the fact is, you don't want someone elected just because she is a woman. You want her elected because she is the best PERSON for the job.

I am not convinced the USA is in a position yet where it can handle having it's muscles flexed by a woman... but I look forward to cheering when the day arrives.

"He's my best friend, best of all best friends
Do you have a best friend too
It tickles in my tummy
He's so Yummy Yummy
Hey you should get a best friend too" - Toy Box