Why ethnica?

Personally, I think many very smart, very qualified women will think it's not worth the trauma it puts them and their family through. I think a lot of men are the same way.

I also think that many if not most of the American people are above all the crap we saw in the media with both Hillary and Palin.

Unfortunately, those who aren't happen to write for shows and sell T-shirts and control the MSM. I think the MSM, this time at least, were so Obama-enamored that making life difficult for *any* challenger became their national sport [see how unbiased some of the MSNBC guys were, for instance - he could have been running against Jesus Christ himself and they would have found a way to make life practically unbearable because he was Jewish or something].

I think that female candidates are treated differently - right or wrong. A guy needs a straight tie. A woman needs to look *good*. But I think *this* time, it was as much a 'not Obama' thing as it was a 'female' thing. I think anyone running against Obama would have had a hard time in the MSM.

I think that women will have a harder time than men - for a very long time, eventually it'll get more equitable but it'll take time. I think that *this* year, part of it was 'you're not Obama' as much as it was 'you're a woman'.

Carol [who couldn't think of a Democratic version of Ronald Reagan and isn't sure that Jesus Christ was the way to go there, but is tired and did anyway and who means no sacrilige or anything like that]