whose new password at work is "palin2012"
Well, Terry, I was really only commenting on Pam's post.... wink

I still think that it will take longer than four years for the first female President of the United States to be elected. Someone said something interesting on a Swedish radio show, and I'm going to sort-of-quote it, just to make it easier to see:

Maybe it's not so strange that America just elected its first black Presidents. There have been lots of black Presidents of the United States in movies and TV shows, so the American people have gotten used to the idea.
And the person who said this went on to make a list of all the 'movie-verse' black Presidents of the United States. The list was actually somewhat impressive. I think Morgan Freeman may have played the President of the United States at least twice. But how often have we seen a movie where the President of the United States has been a woman? Has it happened yet?

Movies made America used to the idea of a black President. Moviemakers have their work cut out for them if they want to make America used to the idea of a female President.

So get going, willya, Hollywood? smile1
