All I can do, Captivated2, is ask you whether you would view a post as non-partisan and respectful if it used the same language about Sarah Palin, for example, as you used in your post. That's the measure we're using. No-one else in this thread has used any kind of pejorative language about any candidate they've mentioned, whether or not the person comes from their side of the spectrum: see Roger's mention of several Democratic candidates, including Hillary Clinton, for example.

I'm sorry that you don't like being held to these standards, but that's just the way it is - and the vast majority of people posting in these threads are able to remain on the positive side of the line without difficulty.

ETA: it's also worth pointing out that on other threads specifically established for debate from both sides of the political spectrum contributors make an effort to support their arguments with evidence. For instance, the issue of media bias has been debated extensively on at least one thread, and examples are given to show evidence of bias. That's very different from simply making an assertion without evidence, which is what you've done here.

Boards Administration Team

Just a fly-by! *waves*