You also mentioned that it took you only 2 cases before you noticed a pattern that isn't enough to draw such a conclusion.
You are right, two cases don't make a pattern. But after two cases I got interested. After that I started paying very close attention every time a baby was found abandoned. What was the baby's gender? Was it a girl? As a matter of fact, yes, it was. It was a girl every time except once. Also there was a case when the sex of the baby wasn't disclosed, but as you may have guessed, I believe that it was a girl that time, too.

Let me say that it has been a pretty powerful experience to guess that an abandoned or killed baby is going to be a girl, and to be proved right every time except once. (And as for that one case, the mother stated for the record that she hadn't looked at the baby before she wrapped it in towels and plastic bags and put it in the freezer, but apart from that, this particular mother also stated that she preferred boys over girls anyway.)

Like I said, it has been a profound experience to expect, over and over again, that an abandoned baby is going to be a girl, and to be proved right every time except one. Naturally, when I heard about that case in Germany, where three babies were found in a freezer, I expected that those babies would prove to be girls, too. And when it was confirmed that they were indeed girls, I couldn't resist posting.

By the way, it has been a profound experience, too, to see that when the media have first reported about another abandoned infant, they have almost never disclosed the baby's gender right away. More often than not, it has taken days before they reported it, although you'd think they would know right away. Certainly the police would know right away. Why not tell us right away? Instead, they keep mum about it for days, leaving us to guess. And when they finally report it, the information is often to be found in fine print at the bottom of an article. Again and again, I have been wondering if the new case of an abandoned baby is another girl. I have of course guessed that it was a girl, and I have read everything I have found about the case, and then finally I have found confirmation. Yes, it was indeed a girl - again.

The new case in Germany was exactly like that, by the way. When the press first reported the case, nothing was said about the babies' gender. Why? Surely the police must have known? Surely the reporters could have asked? But no one asked and no one told. However, the dead babies were girls. Again.

Maybe all of this is coincidence. But you have to forgive me for not thinking so.

Oh, and yes, I was raised on the Bible. When I was six or seven years old, I read a children's version of the Bible over and over again. I couldn't help noticing that in the Old Testament there were stories about how boys and men were being saved - there was the story of how little Moses was saved, and how a man with leprosy was being healed by the prophet Elishah (hope I spelled that right in English - I don't have the energy to look it up) and how a dead boy was raised by the prophet Elijah, and how another dead boy was raised by the prophet Elishah. And there were all those women who rejoiced when they gave birth to sons: Hagar, Sarah, Rebecca, Leah, Rachel, Hannah, Elizabeth, Mary. But there weren't any women who rejoiced when they gave birth to daughters. At least there was Jesus, who raised a girl from the dead, and who healed several women!

Anyway, did my reading of that kiddie Bible make me think that God didn't like girls as much as he liked boys? Yes, in fact, it did.
