The reason why I chose to bring up the case from Germany is not that it was from Germany. It was, rather, that it reinforced a conclusion I had drawn due to the fact that the sex ratio for abandoned and/or killed babies in Sweden has been so incredibly skewed. The number of abandoned or killed babies has been small, no doubt partly because it is so easy to have an abortion in Sweden. Those women who absolutely don't want to have a baby can easily have an early abortion.

All in all, I know of about fifteen cases in Sweden during the last circa thirty-five years. That is not a lot. But I remember the cases, because the newspapers always wrote a lot every time a dead or abandoned child was found, and it took only two cases until I noticed that both babies were girls. And then it went on like that. Dead or abandoned girls, girls, girls. Only one baby was definitely a boy, and in his case the mother hadn't looked at the baby before she wrapped him in towels and plastic bags and put him in the freezer. That mother, however, had clearly stated that she preferred boys over girls, and she had already had three girls whom she had given away for adoption, which is an extremely uncommon thing to do in Sweden.

So I have nothing against Germany, and I have no specific preconceived notions about Germany, or at least I don't think that I do. I just noticed the case because it said that there were three dead babies and all were girls, and I thought to myself, how typical. It's just like in Sweden!

Right now Swedish newspapers have reported about case in Austria where a man killed his wife, his child, his parents and his father-in-law. Was his child a boy or a girl? It was a girl. Maybe it is just as common that parents kill their sons, but the cases that I read about in the newspapers mostly seem to deal with murdered girls.

Tara: Next time I'll think about phrasing the title so that it is obvious that I'm going to talk about the selective killing of girls. In my own defence, however, it seems to me that the title I chose for this thread might have suggested that I would bring up something like that here.
