Ann, since you had to use an example from Germany, I think I should say what I noticed - or didn't notice.

First of all, lately there are often occurences of infanticide. And, although these occurences are only recently being noticed, many of them happened one or even two decades back. Whether this happens to more boys than girls, I cannot say. I never noticed anything odd. But there seem to be two groups of women who commit infanticide: On the one hand, it's very young, often teenage mothers who kill their first baby in a state of shock because until the end, they denied their pregnancy. On the other hand, it's women who've already had several children and don't want to have any more of them. These are the notorious (or habitual?) baby killers. And, interesting enough, their husbands claim equivocally to haven't noticed their wives' pregnancies. Honestly, how can they be so blind?

Second, when it comes to killing older children, I'm not sure if there is a difference between the number of boys versus girls. Maybe so, maybe no.

Third: There definitely is a gap between the number of girls and boys abducted/abused/killed by an out-of-family party. Through my years actively reading newspapers (even if it was only yellow press, which I preferred as a eight-to-ten-year-old), there were countless cases of girls disappearing and turning up dead and, often, mutilated or abused. I only remember two or three cases where boys happened to be the victims. And in one of these cases, it was a couple of siblings (boy and girl).

The only known quantity that moves faster than
light is the office grapevine. (from Nan's fabulous Home series)