I recently brought up the Madeline Neumann case. Madeline's parents acted very strangely when they refused to take their daughter to hospital, despite what must have been her steadily worsening condition. They chose to pray for her instead of taking her to hospital, rather than pray for her and take her to hospital.
Madeline's parents while their behaviour was unusual, it isn't all that uncommon Ann. Many people with strong religious convictions opt to pray for a miracle. I'm not saying I don't believe in the power of prayer because I do I've had many prayer meetings with friends for various things and wholeheartedly believe that God is listening to our prayers. I've heard many parents refuse to vaccinate their child regardless of whether they are male or female.

However, you only know of the case from an external point of view and a wild accusation such as the one you made that implies that Madeline's parents would have taken her to hospital if she'd been a boy is again wrong. You don't know the circumstances of the situation. Some people just don't trust doctors or have had bad experiences you don't know.

While it's true that many women are forced into prostitution you also shouldn't imply that all are forcibly taken because again it is another wild accusation. You don't know the circumstances that got them there like say for example the drug use. All you are seeing is again what the media paints or what you have heard.

In regards to what I read and hear I prefer to keep an open mind and not let news reports sway my convictions straight away until I have all the facts. For example I've read stories in various newspapers and the watched the TV news and noticed many inconsistencies in the reports for this reason I don't rely on one source for my information.

The best and most beautiful things in the world cannot be seen or even touched they must be felt with the heart

Helen Keller