Well forget or delete my 2 above entries. I was having a problem with my keyboard and hit enter when I didn't mean to.

What I was trying to say is that the Bible tells us to beware false profits. The Ten Commandments teaches us not to have any false gods, to not commit adultry, to honor thy father and thy mother, to not covet thy neighbors wife and not to kill. Which somehow all these cults seem to not incorporate into any of their teachings, and that they seem to go out of their way to break.

Add to that the Christianity teaches us that Jesus was Gods only begotten son who taught us that the meek will inherit the earth and that we should do unto others as we would have others do to us and these cults seem to have missed pretty much everything the New Testament was trying to teach us. Yet they use the New Testament/Bible to justify their whole belief/life style system.

Just my observations and food for thought.