You know what drove me crazy about the whole Branch Davidian affair? It was that so many people in the United States seemed to take David Koresh's side against they authorities. They talked about how David Koresh and his sect had had their human rights violated, how they had had their religous rights violated etcetera. Come on, people! This was a crazy sect centered on a crazy man who called himself God and who abused and raped children. What respect did he deserve? None at all. What respect do people like Warren Jeffs, polygamist guru of the renegade Mormons, deserve? None, if you ask me.
I don't think it was so much that people defended them against some of the things taking place inside the compound but were upset because of the innocent people inside who were killed as a result of some decisions made by authorities.

It was anger over people dying they felt could have been saved if the authorities had acted in a different manner.

Angry Clark: CLARK SMASH!
Lois: Ork!