I don't care to comment on the specifics, but on the issue of "respect" I have this to say:

Why do so many normal people seem to buy the argument that religious people always deserve respect for their religious beliefs?
Wow. So many generalizations in this sentence. It boggles the mind.


If they believe in and practice bad things, we should not respect them.
Wow again. Do you know the implications of this? Let me give you a hint, the "bad" people use this argument too.


By fighting "disrespect" with more "disrespect" you perpetuate the same destructive cycle.

That is not to say that we should simply condone horrible things (sigh I hate to make the distinction, but I know someone is going to want to read my posts as a defense of killings/abuse/horrible things). But to condemn without thinking that there is a very real, very flawed person behind horror reduces that person (and others like that person) into monsters.

That makes matters even worse. And if you can't see that we part ways.

Understand people. Teach people. There is no way to do these two important things right without a fundamental respect towards people as human beings.

And you know, I don't put much stock in religion, but I do think the Bible phrases this brilliantly when it says "Hate the sin and not the sinner."


One loses so many laughs by not laughing at oneself - Sara Jeannette Duncan