And one more thing about polygamy. If polygamy and child rape is forbidden in the United States, then authorities should break up polygamous and child-raping sects right away. They should not stop to consider whether or not these sects consider themselves religious, and whether or not the sect members therefore have their human and religious rights violated if they are not allowed to continue their practice of raping children.
AFAIK, groups like those are broken up as soon as they're found. The US is a big place and it is sometimes possible to hide these things for awhile before they're found out about. When they're found out about, they're broken up and dealt with. Religion doesn't have anything to do with it. From what I learned a few years back when I was reading up on cults, the only reason for the government to move slowly in breaking these things up is to avoid as many deaths as possible and to be more certain of catching the leadership of these groups. I would guess most people would approve of saving the lives of people brainwashed into these things and, hopefully, deprogramming them so they can lead relatively normal lives. Other than that, they move as swiftly as possible to end these cults when they pop up.


Rose: You're NOT keeping the horse!
Doctor Who: I let you keep Mickey, now lets go!
Doctor Who, The Girl in the Fireplace