They really preach that God prefers polygamous men over monogamous ones! Can you believe it?
There is a growing group of Christians in the United States that believe the same thing. It's because polygamy is shown often in the Bible (even if it isn't outright "preferred").

I don't think that these crazed pedophile lunatics should be considered Mormons.
The Mormon church won't accept them as real Mormons anyway. Even if you don't take into consideration the pedophilia, polygyny in the Mormon church has been outlawed for the last 100-ish years. For as long as it's been illegal in the U.S.

Our societies would not give special protection and special consideration to people just because they like to collect stamps, or because they like to listen to hip hop music...
The thing about that is that religion is universal. Stamp collecting and pie-eating contests are not.

If polygamy and child rape is forbidden in the United States, then authorities should break up polygamous and child-raping sects right away. They should not stop to consider whether or not these sects consider themselves religious,
Polygamy is illegal in the U.S. People get around it by only filing for an official marriage with one person. But say you were part of that polygamous Christian group I mentioned earlier. You could have an official marriage with one person, and then a "marriage" (union/commitment ceremony) within your religion to as many others as you want. That's not illegal so long as you don't try to file with the state for an official marriage to more than one person.

As far as child-raping goes, something like that is not advertised, it's kept hush hush. So if it's not open and public, how to you expect the U.S. government to know that it is happening, as well as where it is happening? The best they can do is stop it as soon as they discover it, which is what they do. As far as I know, the goverment wouldn't give a damn if it was part of a religious practice or not. Someone would still be prosecuted for it because it's illegal in this country. Just as someone from that Christian polygynous group would get in trouble if they tried to *officially* marry more than one person.

Thanks to Cat for my rockin' avatar!
(About Lois & Clark)
Perry: Son, you just hit the bulls eye. It's like we're supporting characters in some TV show and it's only about them.
Jimmy: Yeah! It's like all we do is advance their plots.
Perry: To tell you the truth, I'm sick of it.
Jimmy: Man, me too!