No problem, Carol. I wasn't offended or whatever (just in case that wasn't clear). Just wanted things to be straight.

As for the content of the majority of posts in this thread (including the first one), it seems to me that a good mantra for everyone would be "think before you post."

It's something to consider before you go adding your voice to a thread like this. I know how it feels to have seemingly everyone posting against you.

It's also something to consider before starting a thread so provocatively. Some would argue that, at this point, it's just as gratuitous. Not that that's an excuse to harangue her, but it does make the reaction more understandable.

As for Ann's apology... some would disagree (and have done so), but I'll leave it at that.

I don't want Ann to feel unwelcome. She's made some good contributions to the community. But this is an issue which has repeatedly been debated to the point where everyone involved got more than a little frustrated over it. As evidenced both by the tone of Ann's opening post here and the large-scale reaction it provoked.

In a situation like this, it's more important than ever to think before you post.


When in doubt, think about penguins. It probably won't help, but at least it'll be fun.