Once that had happened it became overkill, and therein lay the meanness.
Carol, I was not trying to be mean, although I admit that I was perhaps not as tactful as I usually strive to be when posting. I truly don't think I stepped over the line with my comments, but if you and others think that, then I do apologize for offending you.

Ann is a grown woman. She feels very strongly about her beliefs and is not afraid to defend them. She seems to have the belief that there are any number of authors in this fandom who really want to kill Lois off. Fine, let her believe that - but don't expect me to change my mind and believe that too just because she says so. She has deliberately opened this topic line and then walked away from it - if she intends to say nothing more about it that's fine with me; I'm perfectly willing to be quiet now too.


EDIT: I see that I have echoed some of Pam's post just above me, and I apologize for retreading old ground.

One good thing about this - at least I'm increasing my post count. Almost up to Features Writer!

"Our thoughts form the universe. They always matter." - Babylon 5