Notifying her is about it ok, but one or two responses would have been enough for her to get the picture.
Yes, indeed! Once that had happened it became overkill, and therein lay the meanness.

Hopefully these mbs do truly respect the right to state an opinion. It may be that this issue has been dealt with over the last couple of years. (god, or whoever smile knows it has!) but just as it is ok for a writer to post a warning free fic, hopefully it is also okay for a reader to express her personal reaction.

Saskia, as Admin moderator of this forum, are you closing it now? That's maybe a good idea, but hopefully we can all agree that we each have a right to express an opinion; although, of course, over-the-topness (hyperbole!) and overkill is each another matter. (that is so grammatically incorrect !)

Love, Peace, and Tolerance. (I know, tacky deja vu, but still...

c. (who is grumpy after spending a day organizing income tax receipts - now there's a topic about which too much meanness is not even remotely possible.)