Honestly, I think the problem's more in your *perception* of the world (and fanfic) than the thing itself. Calling this a "popular" sub-genre is quite a stretch. It's your right to see it any way you like, of course, and I know you've had some bad experiences -- but if you could try to avoid projecting those attitudes and your anger onto *us*, I know I for one would appreciate it.
Thanks for expressing my sentiments so nicely PJ. On a not so nice note, I'd like to add that I find any any attempt to censure artistic creativity utterly and completely abominable . The fact that, as far as I'm aware no one recently has (a)posted a Lois deathfic in the first place or (b)gone without a WHAM is beside the point next to the intolerance revealed by this bad-natured post.

I sincerely hope no one takes pays any attention to it. That type of thinking breeds an environment of hostility that I want no part of.

That said, it makes me very grateful for our friendly mods and the open members of this community who don't attempt to censure writers. But my sympathies like with the writers most of all who write what they feel no matter what. Keep writing, guys. I for one will definitely keep reading.

Sincerely smile ,

One loses so many laughs by not laughing at oneself - Sara Jeannette Duncan