Wow, great idea, Pam. I'll have to remember that one. I generally use the bathtub method to the same end ... have them soak in the tub and the band-aid is usually practically falling off by the end, anyway, and what they do have to pull doesn't hurt nearly as much underwater. smile

As for the public breast-feeding, I have done my fair share, too, and think it's ridiculous that women can be harassed or even prosecuted for the amount of skin that shows. But you *do* hear of women being taken to court or kicked out of shopping malls, etc., every year, just for feeding their children. It doesn't get publicized every day, but organizations such as La Leche League hear about it routinely.

Personally, I've only had one negative experience and it wasn't in a public place but rather a Junior League committee meeting. A new member brought her 4 year old son to the meeting, then didn't deal well with his natural curiosity when I moved my chair into the corner to nurse my then 3-month old son. I was actually fine with it (though I could have dealt with a bit less distraction since I was trying to stay in the group conversation) but the other mom was clearly not pleased with having to explain to her son (or in her case, dance around *not* explaining) the mechanics of how my baby was eating. And I was not pleased with her displeasure. wink

As for the SuperBowl halftime 'wardrobe malfunction', I find the whole uproar to be ridiculous. I am much more concerned about my children being exposed to the lewd lyrics and dance moves of the other performers -- and the suggestive choreography of the Jackson/Timberlake number -- than I was about any skin that was exposed. I think it was a stupid thing to do, but the uproar about that and not the rest is hypocritical.
