That's a riot, Karen! rotflol But I still think Dean's own legs are way better <g>.

I have to use this opportunity to ask all of the non-US FoLCs out there if they don't just think we, as a nation, are not just the stupidest bunch of hypocrits on the face of the planet. I'm so embarrassed by it, I just want to scream. Not the exposure of Miss Jackson-if-you're-nasty, mind you, but our total obsession and blatant media exploitation of it, not to mention the "oh-so-righteous outrage" of those who were obviously blinded while watching their TVs.

We will tolerate advertisment after advertisement selling drugs to help men achieve..."improved performance" (keeping this PG13) yet we have people freaking out over this whole boob-fiasco. It's OK to watch grown men pommel each other in the name of sports, but the briefest exposure of a body part sends people to arms. And then we end up with yahoos in Tennessee who have decided to sue Jackson in the name of "all Americans who were offended." Please, don't do me any favors. I don't care enough about Janet Jackson's breasts to be offended at all.

Really. I can handle exposure of random body parts, but it's the blatant hypocrisy that is driving me crazy.

Thanks for letting me get that off my chest (no pun, of course <g>).


PS - I'm thinking this topic is just ripe for some CC Aiken commentary.

You know that boy'd walk on water for you? Or he'd drown tryin'. -Perry White to Lois in Just Say Noah