Oh, that Janet! <G> I was confused for a moment. ROTFL, Karen.

As for the incident itself - usually I could care less what pathetic antics celebs get up to to gain publicity, but there's been a thread on this one over on the Stargate forum I frequent that's got me unusually interested. <G> So I did click on the link on the BBC news website when it caught my eye earlier. I feel so ashamed. <g>

Two things which struck me. How come Jackson is tossed off the Grammys and Timberlake gets to attend? I mean takes two to tango, right? I know he's now claiming that he only expected to reveal a red lace bra, but Jackson's using a similar excuse - it was worked out in advance between them as a stunt but it wasn't intended to go that far - and no one's believing her Seems a bit of a double standard there.

Secondly, I'm amazed by the over-reaction from other US TV companies. I hear that a shot of a naked breast has been edited out of an ER episode, even though the context is hardly the same as Jackson's nonsense.

But, cheer up, Lynn, you Americans don't have the patent on hypocrisy in this context. It seems to be a malady the whole world embraces these days. razz It just depresses me that this is the most hunted image on the net. Geez... :rolleyes:

LabRat smile (who was proud to say up till this point that she hadn't the first clue who Justin Timerlake was...oh well...)

Athos: If you'd told us what you were doing, we might have been able to plan this properly.
Aramis: Yes, sorry.
Athos: No, no, by all means, let's keep things suicidal.

The Musketeers