ok... my 2 cents worth....

being the daghter of european parents and having lengthy anual exposure to the culture, i think that Americans are the PRUDEST society on the face of the Earth (save, of course for like, oh i dunno, TALIBAN GOVERENED AFGHANISTAN)

people, it's a boob, a breast, a mammary gland.... every second person in the world has TWO of them....granted MINE wouldn't cause this much hype both for lack of size and fame....but it's a part of the human body...i'm not saying that people should teach their kids to walk around NUDE and be proud....not at all, but if something accidental happens, it's NOT THE END OF THE WORLD.... this shold not be a legal issue, yes it was a risky stunt that carried the possible consequences of the breast being more exposed than previously planned, but that's why they're called "accidents" because they happen by "accident".... maybe they should have thought twice but hindsight is 20/20....

all this hype about ONE boob and no one even SPEAKS of the streaker, who ran down the field NAKED...so what if it wasn't shown on TV, 50,000 plus people saw it in the stadium... you don't see them trying to sue the guy becasue tehy were offended and let me tell you...even as a heterosexual girl, i would much rather see janet jackson's boob than the dimply, pasty monstrosity that was that guy's rear end (he did it in may at the eurpeon UEFA Cup final game that i watched that was televised by Fox Sports), not to mention whatver is in front....

bottom line... what is the big friggin' deal? let her sing at the Grammy's.... and while you're watching, you'll probably get a glimpse of justin or some rapper grabbing his crotch...and that'll be ok.... fair? i think not....
