Goo has a very bad habit.

Whenever we turn the final bend and the finishing line is directly ahead - but still a few thousand words away - he gets terribly distracted.

He wants to re-visit fics that have sat dormant on my hard drive for months.

He wants to re-read FDK.

He wants to beta.

He wants to do *anything* other than actually finish the darn story wallbash

We are right there now. I can see the end - actually the final scene is written, I just have to get to it. But Goo's not interested in the TMTY finish line. He's much more interested in writing a scene for another fic where Superman dances with Lois. wallbash

So what does that have to do with your chances of getting another part tonight?

Here's the plan. After I've fed my family, I'll go back to Part 12 and see if I'm happy with it. If I am, I'll post it. If I'm not, I'll go back to the final chapters and try to drive Goo to that finish line.

Once it's written, the editing is easy - even with a distracted muse!

Thanks for your interest!
