Would it help if I posted updates between parts?

eg - 22 and 23 finally felt 'right' as I wrote them, but all that did was seriously worry me about 17-21 because I was writing 17 when I took the break for the ficathon. So last night, instead of writing 24, I did another major edit. Thankfully, it's not as bad as I feared. However, I only have about 50 words of 24 written, and I already know I'm going to scrap them and start again. But I do have the part plotted in my head, so I shouldn't spend too much time staring a blank screen before the words begin to flow.

The upshot is that the absolute best case for getting 24 to my BRs (and therefore, posting 17 and assuming I don't read it and be totally frown frown smile1
