Wow I am not the only one. I was feeling pathetic! I am addicted to Female hawks writing. This story is unbelievable, it has the capability of being the highlight of my day. I do a happy dance when she posts. I am frustrated while waiting and I check the boards at least 3 x a day. Pathetic! I am also frustrated by their slow slow intimacy. I know I know they all need to heal blah blah blah. Darn it! I want some action! You would think being intimate would help them heal some of their emotional woes and physical needs. Sheesh! They are in love and need each other. I almost want to go on strike! wildguy But I really really love this story. I was afraid of it at the beginning and now it is one of my all time favorites. I am a greedy little bugger! I want more more more!

Ok now that I went of on a rant I feel a little better blush thanks for giving us a place to let off steam wink

Clark: “If we can be born in an instant, and die in an instant, why can’t we fall in love in an instant?”

Caroline's "Stardust"